Title 2, Subtitle E, Chapter 162 of 2013 Texas Statute governs the collection of taxes towards the motor fuel including and not limited to crude oil. You as signing principal of Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney form 10-341 are authorized to issue the said legal instrument to grant powers to an attorney in fact to represent you before the Comptroller of Public Accounts to seek refund of the tax for the period mentioned within this limited power of attorney in Texas State. However, please understand that you are allowed to issue such instrument only for the duration of one year from the date of signing and issuing it. You do not need to notarize your signature before a notary public in Texas State for executing such instrument using Form 10-341.
Information about Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney Form
- Please indicate the tax period precisely to grant powers to attorney in fact to access account data and file tax reports for crude oil and natural gas tax affairs.
- You must specify the tax type to grant powers to the attorney in fact using the provision in this Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney Form 10-341.
- You must furnish your and attorney in fact’s particulars accurately.
- You have right to apply, review, and correct your information on file with the Comptroller of Public Accounts under the Chapters 552 and 559 of Government Code.
- You permit your attorney in fact to prove your right to a refund, amend and sign tax reports filed originally during the mentioned tax periods, sign transfer forms, and receive all information related to your refund request by issuing this form 10-341 limited power of attorney.
- This crude oil limited power of attorney is in effect only for one year from the date of its issuance.
How to Fill the Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney Form
Step 1: Enter the name of the county, then your name as taxpayer, your company name, and name of the attorney in fact under the appointment in the foremost part of the Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney Form. Provide the period of tax affairs on the respective lines.
Step 2: Select the type of tax affairs you want your attorney in fact to handle. You must select all options that apply and provide tax periods for each tax type you are allotting and then mention the date of execution of this limited power of attorney for each applicable tax type.
Step 3: Date this power of attorney and provide your information as taxpayer like relationship to entity, 11-digit Texas taxpayer number, and phone number after your printed name and signature on the respective lines.
Step 4: Provide information about attorney in fact like printed name, mailing address, phone number, and 11-digit Texas taxpayer number on the respective lines.
Revoking the Texas Crude Oil Power of Attorney
This Texas Crude Oil Limited Power of Attorney Form terminates naturally in one year from the date of signing and execution. However, you may choose to issue an instrument of revocation duly signed and notarized to cancel this limited power of attorney form 10-341 prior to completion of one year. You must file this instrument of revocation before the Comptroller of Public Accounts.